Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obsessed with Being Pregnant

From the blog post title someone may think this means I have so much joy in being pregnant that I want to be pregnant all the time. This is not the case at all. I love growing our son in my tum tum and I love feeling his perfect little movements but I will be perfectly fine when he is born to not be pregnant and start forming habits in our new life. What I mean by "obsessed" with being pregnant is that it is all I can seem to focus on. This is not good considering I am the owner of a retail store and my self motivation has a great factor on the success of the store. So far I am managing to get all the major stuff done but my customers are missing me. I am trying to get the store used to supporting me not being there all the time and my staff since in about 4 months I won't be there often but when I work and see a regular customer they often comment that they haven't seen me in a while.

Things are still going very well at the store which makes it even harder to put more focus into the store and not this life I am supporting. Even at the store you will often find me on the internet looking up birth stories, nursery ideas, tips on handling newborns and what not. At home I am constantly looking up this type of stuff and poor Mark, that's all he ever hears about. It honestly takes up about 90% of my thoughts throughout the day and is contributing to my internet addiction.

HELP! I need to snap out of this obsession and I keep telling myself that as the holidays near their will be so much going on that I won't have time but I feel like I'm turning into a hermit thinking of nothing but my pregnancy and our baby.  Ugh...I supposed their are worse things to be taken over with but I'd like to still be a productive member of society for the 4 months that I have left!


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