Friday, September 14, 2012

Getting Started

My name is Danielle and I am married to my bff. We recently discovered that our little family will be growing. This news came as a surprise to us and though it took me a bit to accept I am very happy now. I would like to start this blog as a way to ground myself and keep myself on track & focused. I also have extra time since late nights out with friends just simply aren't happening like they used to. I work full time in the small retail store that my husband and I own. Our store is a franchise & nature shop called Wild Birds Unlimited. You can expect to possibly hear me talk about this venture as well. When I am not working or with the hubs I am interested in photography, nature, health, & fitness though most ALL hobbies have been put on hold. This first trimester has wiped me out but more on that later. Thanks for stopping by!


Original Post 7/16 transferred from WordPress. Am I the only one who just couldn't get that site?

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