Thursday, December 31, 2015


10 Goals for 2016!

1) Quit "bad mouthing" Eli. He is a terror sometimes but he is almost 3. He is learning life and it is hard. I have a tendency to refer to him as a difficult child and talk about his negative qualities and I don't want to do that anymore. I want to work with him and help him grow and love every minute watching him figure it all out. 

2) "Love" my husband more. A rough pregnancy and a newborn haven't left a lot of time for lovin' but my husband is a good man and he deserves my attention.

3) Get more done. By this I mean to be more productive with my time...not add more to my plate. I want to keep my life simpler by just saying no to extra events I really don't want to do and saying yes to offered help. I want to use the time I do have at home and at work being productive.

4) Get into weight lifting. I hurt...I'm sore all over... Having a child is rough on the body and so is being a mother. I don't want to hurt and I want to have the energy and strength to play with my kids and be there for them.

5) Complete some 5ks. I always put this on my list but I want to run some races. Casio is important too and I feel cool when i run a race even if I suck. 

6) Spend more time with God. I want to pray more and read more and if love to start a devotional and join a bible study but in general...spend more time with God. 

7) Be more organized. My car, house, job...everything. 

8) Pay off some debt. We don't have a lot but we want none. 

9) Eat at home more. Healthy, non this point who cares. We just need to eat at home more. 

10) Random act of kindness. Once a month or more I want to do a random act of kindness. I want Eli to see it some as well and understand that it feels good to do nice things for people.  

I always make a list of ten things and typically accomplish like 3 but hey, that's 3 more things I did better this year and the year before!

Happy Nee Year! 

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