Monday, August 21, 2017

Taylor's 2 month apt

Taylor had her two month apt and we tried to talk to the pediatrician about her gassiness, fussiness, and eating habits. The doctor decided that she has reflux and although she doesn't spit up...I agree with this. She has pretty much every other symptom. We noticed that she is much less fussy with formula so over the last few days we've fed her mostly formula to see how she did. Day one was amazing but day two she seemed to start getting a tad constipated. She hasn't been sleeping as good at night the last two nights like she was before so we aren't sure the formula is helping as much as we thought it was at first. We will keep going back and fourth between breast milk and formula. She only weighed in at 10lb 12oz at 2.5 months so that was a little concerning to us and we are trying to up her food consumption. The doctor told us to put her on a probiotic so we ordered that and it should be in at some point soon. Hopefully that will help and if not we will try her on a reflux med. She is getting so cute and smiley. I think I even got a the start of a little laugh out of her the other day. Today we got to witness a solar eclipse. Our whole town was so excited for this event. It went over the entire US. Cj and Daniel were over and I planned lots of activities and themed foods for the kids. Eli was very excited about it. Unfortunately the clouds went over at the moment of totality so we didn't get to see that but it did get dark, it was lightning all around us, it was thundering, and the wind was blowing so it was pretty dramatic! It was an amazing site to see and I am so glad that we were able to view it as a family.  Danielle 

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