Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Charleston Snow Day

Today we had a huge snow day! About 7inches of snow! It was crazy! It started off ice and freezing rain and just as we were getting disappointed that we weren’t going to snow it started pouring snow and continued for about 5 hours! Eli was very excited and we loved playing in it together. When Pell went down for her nap, Taylor did too and Mark played outside too. It was nice to have a little time just the 3 of us. None of us really liked being that cold and we didn’t have any of the correct clothing but we had fun while we were in it. After naps and what not we “sled” in the front yard by pulling the kids around on boogie boards. They LOVED it! By that time much more snow had built up and Pell just laughed as soon as her feet hit the ground. It as awesome! When we pulled them around the yard on the boogies boards they laughed too. It was a work out but worth it to see them have fun. By the end our power had gone out (praise God for our gas fireplace) and Eli was SO tired. They both went to sleep at 7 sharp! The power came back on and that was our snow day! Mark nor I had ever seen that much snow in our LIFE so it was pretty neat! I took pictures but it was difficult to get too many because it was snowing very heavily all day! We had fun but now we’re ready for our 70 degree winters to return!

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