Monday, August 7, 2017

2 Months In

Well we're 2 months in to this family of 5 thing and things aren't too shabby. If I look at it from the outside Taylor is sleeping relatively well, the house is kept relatively well, our business is doing relatively well, I'm relatively happy and energetic. When I look at it from my point of view I feel tired of getting broken sleep, I don't feel like I can get all the house work done that I WANT to get done, I've taken on some new (time consuming) projects at the store that are stressing me out, and I feel a little sad that I don't feel like I'm totally rocking this 3 kids thing. I think we are doing well and I wish I could just be satisfied and enjoy our sweet new baby without feeling stressed to accomplish a million other things. Taylor is getting cuter everyday. She's giving us little smiles here and there and she's getting increasingly better throughout the day. She goes down at 8 and some times we have to give her paci back a dozen times...usually it's just a couple. She then wakes up anytime between 1-3, eats, and goes right back down before waking up at 6. She can be a loud sleeper but I'm starting to be able to get pass that and sleep through it. I feel like we don't give her the credit she deserves calling her difficult or a pain and she's really not! I guess when you've gone from getting full nights worth of sleep and naps if desired, going to this is an adjustment. Noelle and Eli have been watched by lots of other people this summer so that's been helpful and when I spend the days at home with the 3 of them its actually pretty easy but I'd love to be able to go somewhere and that's what's been difficult. Taylor needs her morning nap and then after that it's lunch time then Noelles nap time and I feel like a slave to the house sometimes. When Eli starts school I'm hoping we can all get on more of a schedule. I think the lack of schedule right now is what's driving me a little nuts but who knows. I just like to be good at things and I don't feel like I'm in my groove...YET! Taylor is smiling and she's turned over for us a couple of times. She is pretty gassy so I feel bad for her about that. Noelle is so in love with her baby sister but when she want's attention she want's attention. Eli also loves Taylor and he has adjusted so well this time around. I am very proud of him! Noelle is just over a year and a half and she is starting to be able to repeat pretty much anything we ask her to say...when she wants to that is. She is starting to have little temper tantrums but she's so dang cute, it's hard to care. She knows how to smile and get her way though. She is learning quickly how to work it and it's absolutely adorable now but not sure what this means for the future. Eli's school starts back next month and I'm looking forward to seeing how he does this year. I think he's come so far. Lately he's wearing no pull ups to bed. When he did wear them he never wet them but then we decided to take them off and he had an accident like 2 days later. He's only 4 right now though so I'm not too worried, it would just be nice to not have to worry about having pull ups in the house or changing wet sheets. The kids have been hanging out with their cousins A LOT this summer and it makes my heart so happy! I love watching them play and get to know each other. I think it's been good for everyone! I think that's all the updates for now. I'm wishing I kept the updates going when Noelle was a baby so I could look back. It's funny/sad how fast you forget things!!! 

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