Thursday, August 17, 2017

Workin' it Out!

We still haven't totally gotten into a plan that works for us. I am thinking when Eli starts school in a few weeks we will get on a set schedule but for now...we're just playing it by ear almost every day. I've been making it back to the gym and working out more now. I started doing weights again and it feels good. I've been going to this place called Flex-Able and it's basically where you go to have a professional help stretch your muscles. With that they can tell what parts of you body needs work and which parts are over worked. I love that! They're helping me tweak certain exercises I'm doing and giving me suggestions on what I need to do more of or less of. Turns out my back could use some work while my chest and what not is rather tight. Same with my quads being tight but my hamstrings needing more strength. The guy I'm working with has also identified why my shoulders have been in pain and why my knees have been giving me troubles. I'm so happy for that because I thought my knees were because of doing the stairs but he told me it's because my side of the legs (not technical here..haha) are tight and that I need to foam roll them. I foam roll often but have avoided that part of my legs because it hurt so bad...guess it needs it the most though and that's why. I'm glad because I was about to give up the stair master and squats thinking my knees were bad. It's so much fun to learn about that kind of stuff to me. Unfortunately, despite getting back into working out my weight loss hasn't picked up much. It's still going but barely. That's so frustrating but I know it will come. Taylor is starting to sleep much better. We introduced some formula which I feel like I should be bummed about because it's just the beginning of the end but I'm not. She seems so much happier with formula and less gassy which I know shouldn't make sense but it's what we've observed. She's really become quite and easy baby except for her gas problems which are a constant with her. She goes down at 8ish and we have to paci her still once or 10x's before she's out. You just never know but her only feeding at night hasn't been until about 4-5. Last night she only got her paci back once and then woke up at 5:45. That's amazing! We're so blessed to have her and I know the first two months were challenging for us but I feel like they are getting better and better everyday! We're starting to enjoy our new family more rather than just running in survival mode. When I can get back on a steady work routine, I think I'll feel just perfect about it all.  Nolle is her normal adorable self but she is probably the most challenging right now. She's starting to assert her independence and throw some tantrums here and there. She is also pretty messy as in she goes through drawers and cabinets pulling things out. She's also not great at she doesn't talk but she is so ready to communicate so that is frustrating to her and to us sometimes. She wants to tell us things that we sometimes can't understand or if we do, we can't really explain why she can't get her way which frustrates her. Such as lately she's wanted to take a bath all the time. We can't do bath all the time because there's 50 other things to do but she doesn't get it so then a tantrum happens and sometimes it's 5 min an sometimes it's 30. She SO loud with her tantrums too which doesn't help if Taylor is sleeping. I find myself being more patient and understanding with her than I was with Eli. I think because I better understand that she's just learning and I know she will figure it out eventually. With Eli I thought I was setting him up to be a spoiled brat for life if I didn't disapline every fit he threw so, I'm feeling bad for that. I wish I had been more understanding with Eli and maybe he wouldn't have the anger problems that he has now. Speaking of Eli...he is fantastic. I'm curious to see how he does in school this year but over the summer he has been a wonderful little boy. He's grown so much physically and mentally and especially when he's alone with either of us he is actually pretty perfect. He can get into it with Noelle sometimes but that's expected. I've been watching CJ and Daniel some over the summer too and he plays pretty well with them too. At the gym he said there's been some mean kids and when he talks about how he wants to respond to them it makes me sad because he sounds like a little dork head and I can see him getting made fun of more. THat's not totally fair though because the kids making fun of him were older and have an unfair advantage.  So...that's our life for now. Until next time, Danielle 

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