Monday, July 10, 2017

Baby Weight

I figured I'd do this in a separate post so I could easily reference it in the future. I wanted to post about my weight. With Eli I gained about 50lbs, Noelle 40lbs, and Taylor about 50lbs. A month after he was born I had already lost 30lbs putting me at 155. With Noelle I had lost all the baby "weight" by 2 months out, though I didn't get back to my normal size until several weeks after. This go around I am off to a very slow start despite really focusing on my diet and going on 45min walks regularly since week 2. At one month I weighed in at 162, pretty much the heaviest I've ever been not pregnant. It's hard to not be down about this especially since I've put in the extra effort. I haven't hit the 6 week mark yet so I haven't really upped my workout game yet and I'm really looking forward to that. I'm so ready to get back in the gym! It's also difficult to cut as many calories as I might want right now too since I have to eat enough to keep my milk production up. I'm trying to accept that even though the weight isn't just falling off like times before that it will come off over time if I make it. It's hard to be patient though and my wardrobe is so limited. I'm still mostly wearing maternity clothes though some of those are starting to fit weird and look like maternity clothes...if that makes sense. I have about 3 tops from my normal attire that fit and everything else is just sitting there waiting for me to drop some LBs. I really don't want to wear leggings all winter again so the goal would be to fit into my regular jeans by jeans weather which, thankfully around here isn't until about late December. I do have a family wedding Oct so to not look like a whale for that would be great too. I refuse to buy new clothes yet but if things don't start changing soon, I might have to get something just to get me through. I've got about one more week left before I can get back into the gym so I'll be sure to post how that changes things. Fingers crossed!!!

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